Eliminate the dead ends. Discover what really matters and what really works to build your authority, your audience, and your revenue online.

How to Be a Thought Leader, Even if You Aren’t an Expert

How to Be a Thought Leader, Even if You Aren’t an Expert

I’ll say this right now – you don’t need to be the top expert. You just need to become their trusted resource. Here’s a quick guide to exactly how to do that no matter what media you prefer, what industry you’re in, or even if you feel like an imposter most of the time.

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How to Set Up Google Analytics

How to Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an indispensable tool for your site that tracks your website traffic for valuable insights. With the data you collect with Google Analytics, you can see:

  • How many people are visiting your site, and for how long
  • Where they are going
  • Where they came from
  • What your most popular pages are
  • What pages you lose people at
  • How many people are viewing your site on mobile phones
  • And much more!

Even if you aren’t ready to dig in to the reports, getting the tracking started means when you are ready you’ll have lots of data already in there!

And signing up for a Google Analytics account is simple. I’ll walk you through it step by step in this Google Analytics account setup tutorial. So let’s get started!

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Using a People Centric Approach to Connect and Grow Your Following

Using a People Centric Approach to Connect and Grow Your Following

Does your business or practice revolve around itself, or your clients and supporters?

The client isn’t always right. Nor do they even know what they want.

But the client should be the center of your universe.

People-Centric design means you are strategizing around them – their needs, their pains, their fundamental desires. And more importantly, it’s focused on connecting to them in an authentic manner.

People have wised up to the marketing tricks and interruptive tactics of traditional marketing and advertising.

Half the time, they completely block it out. They either ignore it automatically or by literally blocking the ad from being seen. They also see through token actions that aren’t sincere and aren’t valuable to them.

We know when we are being marketed to. But if we get something meaningful from the experience, we don’t care.

You need to understand the people you who are your prospects and clients. What are their pains and frustrations? What are the needs and desires that just aren’t being addressed? Leverage even one good one and you will stand out and get them banging on your door.

So how do you do it?

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Design Intelligence Keys to Success

People are fickle.

So how you do grab them and create a relationship they value?

One that keeps them coming back and paying a premium for what you offer?

This simple formula is how to do it.

And I’ve included a cheatsheet to the entire formula to go through each step.

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Branding Basics – The 3 Critical Questions to Discover Your Brand

There are three critical questions that define your brand, and help you stand out.

Branding starts with the most basic elements of who you are and how you help people.

The more sure of who exactly you are, the stronger your branding will be, the more successful your marketing and client retention will be.

To know exactly who you are and why you matter, you need to define it. Sharpen it to the specific characteristics that really matter and give you a unique identity worth remembering, and worth following.

This means, “I am a doctor, I help people stay healthy, and my target client is anyone still breathing,” will not cut it.

But I’ll show you how to get to the core of your brand, and I’ve included a worksheet you can download to take you step by step through it.

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Scale Your Revenue and Impact with the “Revenue Amplifier Checklist”

27 essential elements that help you achieve more reach, impact, and revenue from your courses, group programs, and more:

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